Friday, October 30, 2009

A Liberal Christian Education

At seven I was in the first grade, and I attended Wyoming Valley Christian School. In kindergarten I had gotten into a few fights. I came home with a black eye one day, and the other day I sent a kid home with one. Also I had come home with some new words. One of them was “fart.” This worried my parents (my Mom moreso than my Dad) so I was off to Christian school to learn how to behave like a proper Christian boy.

WVCS was a unique school experience. There were two other kids in my grade. By nine, I was acculturated to the Christian ethos of WVCS. I’d memorized scads of Bible verses and had long and candid talks with my teachers about Jesus and his revolutionary idea of a love-centered view of the world. My faith was strong, and quite well-educated for that young age. I knew the histories of the travels of the tribes of Israel, I knew the geography of the Holy Land, I knew the stories and the messages and the meanings. But this school was also unique in the way it operated as a Christian academy in that Christ’s teachings were of utmost imperative. My teachers were open-minded, loving people. They never prescribed the ideas of the Bible to us. We talked about parables and lessons and discussed as a class what we all thought. We were encouraged to see the Bible’s message as broad, and open to question, scholarship and interpretation. I loved it, because it felt true to me, and not dogmatic. Even at nine, I had a tendency to be a bit repulsed by narrow dogma. I lacked the perspective to realize how lucky I was to be in a Christian school that did not inundate me with dogma, however. I took it for granted that this open-minded, compassionate approach was in fact what Christianity was all about.


Barbara Campbell Thomas said...

Now I seem to remember there being more words than fart....I'll never forget when you said, at all of age 5!! "jerry's an asshole!" dinner no less!!!

Barbara Campbell Thomas said...

off to Christian school you went!

Ellen Campbell said...

Thanks for setting that record straight. The "F"word you used really was not "fart."