Saturday, September 5, 2015

Discarded Facebook Post

It hurts my heart and my soul to see people discriminating, hurting, and hating in the name of Jesus. Forgive us, Lord, and guide us that we may find a better way forward, a way that looks more like the love you showed us and called us to show others.

I rarely speak in the voice of my own faith on here because this is such a wonderfully diverse community (the social media and internet community, I mean), but the lamentations of my heart cried out this morning.

I am a public sector employee, and I can do this and have such personal speech be constitutionally protected. I cannot, however, deny an education to my gay or Muslim or atheist students (just three examples) or demand they conform to Christian doctrine and expect to keep my job. Frankly, I don't believe I could do that and also expect to keep any shred of Christian dignity, either.

We live in a complex and wonderfully diverse web, and we have to live and work together genuinely and joyfully, hand in hand and heart in heart. We have to reach out to one another. We are all Americans. Our nation needs to heal.